Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ruin the Bruin

When we were in Pittsburgh back in May and played the Bruins, we happened to see this sign outside a bar: Ruin the Bruin.


For most of that game, Boston dominated the Pens, and I still don't quite know how we pulled off a comeback win, but we did. And a few months later, the Eastern Conference finals are set. Boston and Pens. A team that we've somehow sweeped this season yet scares me more than any other team. Somehow I knew it would come down to this and I'm excited, nervous (and nauseous) in anticipation. I happen to like/respect the Bruins. Hell, we call our dog Lucic (as well as a ton of other nicknames), and I might root for Boston on another occasion. But for the next week or two, I'll stick with this bar sign motto: Ruin the Bruin.  LET'S GO PENS! 

Actual conversation tonight: my mother-in-law bought a Boston Cream pie. I was reluctant to eat it. Yes, superstitious indeed. However, I was told we could "devour, smash and cream it like we will the Bruins." I can do that (cause c'mon, I would have found an excuse to eat it, it's friggin delicious).


I spent the weekend with my nephew, also a Pens fan (and his sock monkey). His enthusiasm during Friday night's win almost matched mine. Could you deny this kid another series?


I didn't think so.

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