The picture doesn't quite do it justice or fully explain its coolness, but let me try. When I opened it, I figured my father-in-law bought it for me. When I realized he made it, I realized it's the most thoughtful gift anyone has given and this Penguins-obsessed girl shed a tear and did a little dance. He MADE this. Collected each of their rookie cards of the current team members with signatures and/or pieces of jersey. Up close it's incredible. I'm in awe. Merry day after Christmas everybody and may we be gifted with a Pens win tomorrow!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Super-Duper Christmas.
For the last few years, my family has given me Penguins related gear and paraphernalia. Jerseys, glasses, hats, and tees- all wonderful gifts to add to my collection. But nothing beats this:
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Leafs blown away by "Baby Penguins"
Annoucers said it best last night- "Baby Penguins no more." Last night's roster looked like a pee-wee league, with young players brought up, some to play in their first NHL game. Matched up against some of the best in the league, how would our new players fair? Fan-friggin-tastic. Veterans players- take your time to heal- the rookies seem to have it covered!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Shame on You.
I'm still not exactly sure what I want to write regarding Saturday night's loss to the Bruins. Was I beyond pissed off that the Pens fell so late in the game? Sure. But what I think has replaced this disappointment is both Neal and Thornton's misbehavior. YES, I admit my beloved James Neal did a shameful thing to a Bruin that I can't stand. I'm in no way defending him, and I believe he deserves the five game suspension. But Thornton's brutality towards Brooks Orpik was horrific. I can't imagine what parents at that game said to their young children. There's no way to justify his behavior. The announcers said it happened because the refs didn't call a penality...and that Orpik wouldn't fight....and so on. I'm not buying it.
Oddly, I actually LIKE that there's fighting in hockey. I've never been one to argue for removing it. But there has to be a line in the unwritten rule book of hockey fights. Maybe it's as simple as "don't pounce on a defenseless player."
Afterall, it's a game. Yes, it's competitive and aggressive and hockey players above all others get pretty damn banged up. But it's still just a game. Anytime someone leaves on a stretcher, it's gone too far.
Oddly, I actually LIKE that there's fighting in hockey. I've never been one to argue for removing it. But there has to be a line in the unwritten rule book of hockey fights. Maybe it's as simple as "don't pounce on a defenseless player."
Afterall, it's a game. Yes, it's competitive and aggressive and hockey players above all others get pretty damn banged up. But it's still just a game. Anytime someone leaves on a stretcher, it's gone too far.
Friday, December 6, 2013
The West Isn't Always Best
Normally I'm more excited for Eastern conference matchups, but I was looking forward to the Pens meeting with the Sharks for two reasons:
-San Jose's record more or less mirrored ours and they were on a six game winning streak
-Tyler Kennedy's return to PGH.
I certainly expressed criticism about TK in the past, but he did have a way of coming through when we really needed it. That was evident in the playoffs- the guy is benched and when we finally decide to throw him in, he reminds us of his talent. While not quite easy on the eyes, and I still don't undertsand the whole "licking of the stick" incident, I was sad to see him go and I'm guessing he was too. The tribute to Kennedy during last night's game was a great reminder of his important to the Pens organization. I'm glad he's found a home when he can play more- he seemed to be on the ice quite a bit last night (and did you see him take down Brooks Orpik?).
I predicted a low scoring game. Both goaltenders were on point and it looked it was going to take a serious maneuver to get one in the net. Then the second period happened. One, two, three, four. Without Geno. Then without Dupuis. And while the Sharks made a goalie change, Flower stayed strong and continued to make spectacular saves.
With a Boston loss last night, Montreal has taken the lead in the Atlantic and we remain at the top of the East. But there's no time for gloating, especially when the Pens take on the Bruins in Boston tomorrow night.
God, I love hockey.
-San Jose's record more or less mirrored ours and they were on a six game winning streak
-Tyler Kennedy's return to PGH.
I certainly expressed criticism about TK in the past, but he did have a way of coming through when we really needed it. That was evident in the playoffs- the guy is benched and when we finally decide to throw him in, he reminds us of his talent. While not quite easy on the eyes, and I still don't undertsand the whole "licking of the stick" incident, I was sad to see him go and I'm guessing he was too. The tribute to Kennedy during last night's game was a great reminder of his important to the Pens organization. I'm glad he's found a home when he can play more- he seemed to be on the ice quite a bit last night (and did you see him take down Brooks Orpik?).
I predicted a low scoring game. Both goaltenders were on point and it looked it was going to take a serious maneuver to get one in the net. Then the second period happened. One, two, three, four. Without Geno. Then without Dupuis. And while the Sharks made a goalie change, Flower stayed strong and continued to make spectacular saves.
With a Boston loss last night, Montreal has taken the lead in the Atlantic and we remain at the top of the East. But there's no time for gloating, especially when the Pens take on the Bruins in Boston tomorrow night.
God, I love hockey.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
C-ya Long Island.
Points of frustration. Points of pure joy. Trailing 0-2 to the Islanders early in the game is a horrible feeling. Fleury blocking a penalty shot, Pens tying it up in the third, and Sid scoring the game-winning goal in OT is not.
I still couldn't believe the OT goal when I woke up this morning (yes, I admit I wake up thinking about games, stats and standing).THIS is why I watch hockey. Sure, I wrote yesterday about building a comfortable lead, but games like last night are a constant reminder of how magical this sport is and how anything can happen with a little faith, hardwork and luck. I love my team. I love my captain. And I love the fact that for at least the next two days, we reign supreme in the East.
I still couldn't believe the OT goal when I woke up this morning (yes, I admit I wake up thinking about games, stats and standing).THIS is why I watch hockey. Sure, I wrote yesterday about building a comfortable lead, but games like last night are a constant reminder of how magical this sport is and how anything can happen with a little faith, hardwork and luck. I love my team. I love my captain. And I love the fact that for at least the next two days, we reign supreme in the East.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
I love hockey nights.
I do. They get me through my day, and when there's no hockey, I think to myself "what am I going to do tonight?" and wait for the next night's game.
Thankfully there's been quite a few exciting games recently- some in which we've built a comfortable lead, others have been "holy crap, did that just happen" comeback moments. Nothing made me happier than waking my husband to tell him, "Pens beat Toronto in a shoot out."
Tonight the Penguins face Long Island. Only thing about LI that I like? John Tavares and a few family members (mine, not his). For some reason, despite their abysmal standing and mere 20 points, the Pens often struggle with the Islanders. Lately we've struggled with many divisional opponents, which is troubling considering we're clearly seen as the sub-par division. I've read it plenty of other places- dominating the Metropolitan Division could mean very little on the road the the cup. Nonetheless, it's an important first step.
So tonight's our chance to extend our divisional lead. It's a chance for Malkin to "wow" us some more, after breaking away from the non-goal scoring slump that hung over his head for too long. Maybe tonight we'll move ahead of Boston in the East (maaaaybe? pleeease?).
Thankfully there's been quite a few exciting games recently- some in which we've built a comfortable lead, others have been "holy crap, did that just happen" comeback moments. Nothing made me happier than waking my husband to tell him, "Pens beat Toronto in a shoot out."
Tonight the Penguins face Long Island. Only thing about LI that I like? John Tavares and a few family members (mine, not his). For some reason, despite their abysmal standing and mere 20 points, the Pens often struggle with the Islanders. Lately we've struggled with many divisional opponents, which is troubling considering we're clearly seen as the sub-par division. I've read it plenty of other places- dominating the Metropolitan Division could mean very little on the road the the cup. Nonetheless, it's an important first step.
So tonight's our chance to extend our divisional lead. It's a chance for Malkin to "wow" us some more, after breaking away from the non-goal scoring slump that hung over his head for too long. Maybe tonight we'll move ahead of Boston in the East (maaaaybe? pleeease?).
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
OT letdown.
I've been neglectful in my ramblings about hockey. It's in no way a lack of obsessing about hockey- that's remained a constant, but actual work has gotten in the way of putting pen to paper fingers to keys. But after last night's dramatic final 3/10 of a second and a subsequent downer of an OT, I figured it was time to resume writing.
I realized after posting a comment on facebook last night that most hockey fans don't watch every game. They're sleeping, watching something else, spending time with their families or out and about. They can wait until the morning to see who won. Not me. I'm obviously not wired that way and feel the need to park myself in front of the tv almost every other night tocheer for agonize over my team.
And agonize I did last night. I hate losing in general, but it stings a bit more with the Bruins. I told my husband this morning that Rask is an alien. It's really the only explanation. I think given another guy in net, we would have walked away with the two in regulation.
I also told my husband (last night) that I would leave him for James Neal. This was after goal #2. He understood.
I realized after posting a comment on facebook last night that most hockey fans don't watch every game. They're sleeping, watching something else, spending time with their families or out and about. They can wait until the morning to see who won. Not me. I'm obviously not wired that way and feel the need to park myself in front of the tv almost every other night to
And agonize I did last night. I hate losing in general, but it stings a bit more with the Bruins. I told my husband this morning that Rask is an alien. It's really the only explanation. I think given another guy in net, we would have walked away with the two in regulation.
I also told my husband (last night) that I would leave him for James Neal. This was after goal #2. He understood.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
While the rest of the sports world watched the Sox win the World Series, I had about 20 mini heart attacks watching my own Boston game. But to back track, happy halloween!
This picture is disturbing and brilliant but I wonder if he wasn't one of my favorite hockey players if I'd think he was a total creeper. But alas, Chris Kunitz can do very little wrong and it certainly helps that I was at the infamous "sock monkey hat trick" game in March. I have a feeling my nephew (who is the proud owner of my sock monkey) will think it's fantastic. So onto last night's game... I wanted this win more than most. After the embarassment of the playoff sweep, the Pens certainly had a lot to prove. Boston has an incredible team. Like their football counterpart, they are the kind of team that can spoil any lead and have key players that evoke jealousy and awe (except the little ball of hate"- I can do without him). But last night was everything I hoped the playoff series would be. We held our own and then some. We shot, shot, and shot some more, and even the alien Rask eventually missed a few (3). It was a huge win for the Pens and certainly a reason to be happy this Halloween. Now if only the Steelers can have the same luck with the Pats this weekend...

Friday, October 25, 2013
Happiness is a Pens game (or two)
My father-in-law is a doll (and also is an avid ebayer). Bet he never knew he would have a daughter-in-law that was thrilled with gifts like these. Oh, and if you didn't catch it, he bought the Kuni pic because of my name so prominently displayed.
Can't wait for tonight but more so for tomorrow's game. We're babysitting my nephew on his tenth birthday. What does he most want to do? Watch the Pens game. I love him like a son!
Friday, October 18, 2013
State Rivalry.
A win in Philly feels better than almost anything. Well, except for a win at home.
.My nephew and I were talking about how it fun it was to be at the game in March in Philadelphia with our PA-divided family. I said to him, "One day we'll go to a game together in Pittsburgh. Picture everyone around you rooting your team. It's amazing."
And it's true. It's difficult to be a fan of a team outside of your local city. But to be in that minority and grab the win? Fantastic.
I've gotten so used to watching Center Ice games where I can opt for the Root Sports announcers. Watching Flyers commentators? Not my favorite. They did have praise for Flower, Sid and Geno, but it bothers me when they downplay Kunitz and Dupuis. The general comment (which was expressed last night) is that they are better because of Crobsy. Maybe so. I'm not discounting the fact that linemates can push you to your best, but their our merit can't (shouldn't) be downplayed. This is one of the (if not the) best line in hockey because of three key individuals.
Always good to see Max Talbot on the ice. Sure, he now plays for the enemy, but I think he's a pretty charasmatic, good guy. I remember watching a program where Sid takes the cup back to his hometown. Who was their with him? Max Talbot. I'd take Max back any day if we had room for him.I'm glad he's become a star in Philly though- he deserves it.
I (almost) felt bad for the Flyers. I know what it's like to have a team with only one win for the season. My football team is also looking for answers. I hope for the sake of their organization they can grab a few wins soon. But not ever when they play the Pens. During those games, they're welcome to completely fall apart =)
.My nephew and I were talking about how it fun it was to be at the game in March in Philadelphia with our PA-divided family. I said to him, "One day we'll go to a game together in Pittsburgh. Picture everyone around you rooting your team. It's amazing."
And it's true. It's difficult to be a fan of a team outside of your local city. But to be in that minority and grab the win? Fantastic.
I've gotten so used to watching Center Ice games where I can opt for the Root Sports announcers. Watching Flyers commentators? Not my favorite. They did have praise for Flower, Sid and Geno, but it bothers me when they downplay Kunitz and Dupuis. The general comment (which was expressed last night) is that they are better because of Crobsy. Maybe so. I'm not discounting the fact that linemates can push you to your best, but their our merit can't (shouldn't) be downplayed. This is one of the (if not the) best line in hockey because of three key individuals.
Always good to see Max Talbot on the ice. Sure, he now plays for the enemy, but I think he's a pretty charasmatic, good guy. I remember watching a program where Sid takes the cup back to his hometown. Who was their with him? Max Talbot. I'd take Max back any day if we had room for him.I'm glad he's become a star in Philly though- he deserves it.
I (almost) felt bad for the Flyers. I know what it's like to have a team with only one win for the season. My football team is also looking for answers. I hope for the sake of their organization they can grab a few wins soon. But not ever when they play the Pens. During those games, they're welcome to completely fall apart =)
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Hat trick!
Did Jussi it? (Yes, I know that some day that will get old. But not today!)
Pretty awesome for Jokinen to have his second career hat trick against his former team. All three goals were fun to watch but the first was up there with some of the best. Funny (for us, not for Carolina) that the Canes are still paying for a large chunk of #36's salary. All signs point to a damn good trade.
So we're off to a 3-0. Without two of our top players. I'm always impressed with the way players step up in the absense of teammates. Maatta, who looks 14, not 19, played more like a veteran last night with two assists. Tanger Glass, a guy who've I've at times picked on, has literaly fought to be an important part of the lineup and scored his first goal of the season last night. And Martin! His transformation in the last year has made me happy to have him on our defense.
Until Friday night!
So we're off to a 3-0. Without two of our top players. I'm always impressed with the way players step up in the absense of teammates. Maatta, who looks 14, not 19, played more like a veteran last night with two assists. Tanger Glass, a guy who've I've at times picked on, has literaly fought to be an important part of the lineup and scored his first goal of the season last night. And Martin! His transformation in the last year has made me happy to have him on our defense.
Until Friday night!
Monday, October 7, 2013
It's Back!
Crosby, Kobasew, Adams. Repeat (and throw in a penalty shot by Kunitz). What a great start to the first two games. And MAF! Hopefully a shut out and a near perfect game removed any hesitation (in our and HIS head) that he's our guy. Congrats on being the "third star of the week!"
I'm so happy that hockey is back (and on time!). Now if only we have have a healthy team this season. Hoping Neal and Letang are back soon (although Letang in a suit? Not so bad).
And this is the most artistic I get, but enjoy!
I'm so happy that hockey is back (and on time!). Now if only we have have a healthy team this season. Hoping Neal and Letang are back soon (although Letang in a suit? Not so bad).
And this is the most artistic I get, but enjoy!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
While most sports fans watched the Manning brothers (unevenly) battle it out field, I was glued to the Pens first pre-season game against Columbus. I felt like it was Christmas Eve (Christmas is obviously reserved for October 3). I felt a lot like this:Despite their OT loss, (and unlike the Steelers pre-season) I thought they showed a lot of promise. Bennett seems more mature, confident on the ice- a no-brainer for the Neal/Malkin line.
Iginla who? Chuck Kobasew seems like he could be a good fit for our #12. I hope he's a keeper. And who wants a guy with this name: Pierre-Luc Letourneau-Leblond? I think I do!
Last night was a bit odd though- many names I barely recognized, at least with a Penguin jersey on. I'm used to seeing (and look forward to) our regular crew:
Just over two weeks until my love affair with hockey resumes (although who am I kidding, it's always there). No lock out. Just seven to eight months of what makes me happier than a camel on Wednesday. See you soon.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Oh, Canada.
The roster for Team Canada's 2014 orientation camp was announced today. Sorry Disco Dan, but I'm betting on Team Canada. I mean, have you SEEN this roster:
Sid, Kris, Neal, Kuni. Pair that with three Staals and a boatload of other...talented...young men and I'm counting the days until the Olympic puck drop in February.
Also big congrats to Beau, Brooks and Martin. I'll of course be rooting for them as well, but I'd still bet on red.
Sid, Kris, Neal, Kuni. Pair that with three Staals and a boatload of other...talented...young men and I'm counting the days until the Olympic puck drop in February.
Also big congrats to Beau, Brooks and Martin. I'll of course be rooting for them as well, but I'd still bet on red.
Monday, July 1, 2013
It's Canada Day! Hug your favorite Canadian.
Happy Canada Day everyone! I'm in agreement, the world certainly needs more Canada. Afterall, they've given us Bryan Adams, Jason Priestly, The Tragically Hip, and HOCKEY (and some very attractive talented hockey players).
I'm the only American I know that was thrilled when Team Canada won the last Olympics (it helped that Sid was on the team).
Speaking of Olympics, I was psyched by the recent announcement that Dan Bylsma will be Team USA's coach. Way to go Disco Dan!
Damn social media (yeah, you Facebook and Twitter) for the rollercoaster that's been Kris Letang's contract extension. He's being traded. No, he's not, he's staying. The deal is done. No wait, it's not. Yes it is. Nope, not yet. I'm happy to hear that he's most likely staying (the hair, the skill, the two Letang jerseys in our closet), but I do think 7.25 is a crapload of money! The back and forth (although, yes, I know it's business) has shown a greedy sign of Tanger I may not like. Also, the Tyler Kennedy trade seemed to make sense. He did a great job as a Penguin but I think it was a win-win. Good luck, TK!
I'm the only American I know that was thrilled when Team Canada won the last Olympics (it helped that Sid was on the team).
Speaking of Olympics, I was psyched by the recent announcement that Dan Bylsma will be Team USA's coach. Way to go Disco Dan!
Damn social media (yeah, you Facebook and Twitter) for the rollercoaster that's been Kris Letang's contract extension. He's being traded. No, he's not, he's staying. The deal is done. No wait, it's not. Yes it is. Nope, not yet. I'm happy to hear that he's most likely staying (the hair, the skill, the two Letang jerseys in our closet), but I do think 7.25 is a crapload of money! The back and forth (although, yes, I know it's business) has shown a greedy sign of Tanger I may not like. Also, the Tyler Kennedy trade seemed to make sense. He did a great job as a Penguin but I think it was a win-win. Good luck, TK!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
How the west was won.
So last night the Hawks took back the cup and I had a dream that Kris Letang was annouced as a contestent on next season's Dancing with the Stars.
Congrats Chicago. Last night's game proved how a hockey game can change in seconds (17 to be exact) and anything can happen. It must have been awful to be a Boston fan at that game and watch the Hawks hoist the cup, but if any team was going to win the cup this year besides Pittsburgh, I'm glad it was Chicago. Not because I particularly like Chicago (I actually don't care either way about them-- although I still like saying Hossssssa from when he was a Pen and I'm constantly saying "Patrick Kane, the hockey player?"), but you can't argue that they were the best team of the season. Their record and their point streak reflected that. So congrats and enjoy your cup. We hope to take it from you next year.
As for Letang, while I don't see him making an appearance on DWTS, I also don't see him staying a Penguin. It breaks my heart to say, but all signs point to him leaving. I hope I'm (and the media) is wrong, but if he leaves pleeeeaaase let him go to the Western Conference.
Congrats Chicago. Last night's game proved how a hockey game can change in seconds (17 to be exact) and anything can happen. It must have been awful to be a Boston fan at that game and watch the Hawks hoist the cup, but if any team was going to win the cup this year besides Pittsburgh, I'm glad it was Chicago. Not because I particularly like Chicago (I actually don't care either way about them-- although I still like saying Hossssssa from when he was a Pen and I'm constantly saying "Patrick Kane, the hockey player?"), but you can't argue that they were the best team of the season. Their record and their point streak reflected that. So congrats and enjoy your cup. We hope to take it from you next year.
As for Letang, while I don't see him making an appearance on DWTS, I also don't see him staying a Penguin. It breaks my heart to say, but all signs point to him leaving. I hope I'm (and the media) is wrong, but if he leaves pleeeeaaase let him go to the Western Conference.
Monday, June 17, 2013
NHL Awards
While the thought of Alex Ovechkin or PK Subban winning awards leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, it was nice to see two awards go to the Pens organzation. Congrats to GM of the year Ray Shero as well as Sid for the Ted Linsday (the players choice for outstanding player).
That's the ninth time a Penguin has won it- the most of any organization. So can we simmer down about Crosby's overratedness for a while? Clearly his peers think he's pretty great.
And Ray, while you're at being best GM, can you do your magic and resign/keep Kris Letang? Thanks.
That's the ninth time a Penguin has won it- the most of any organization. So can we simmer down about Crosby's overratedness for a while? Clearly his peers think he's pretty great.
And Ray, while you're at being best GM, can you do your magic and resign/keep Kris Letang? Thanks.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
My team is out, so why am I tired?
So that's what it's like to watch a hockey game without having heart palpitations. It wasn't calm, to say the least, as it went into a third overtime. But not having a stake in the outcome let me sit back and enjoy well-played hockey. Both teams' goalies looked outstanding as ever. It really was hockey at its finest. I won't lie, it was nice to see Chicago take that game, but I see a long hard battle for both teams. I have no prediction as to who'll walk away with this cup.
In Pens news, this was just posted on NHL's site:
"The Pittsburgh Penguins have agreed to terms with forward Evgeni Malkin on an eight-year $76 million contract extension, it was announced today by executive vice president and general manager Ray Shero.
The deal begins with the 2014-15 season and runs through the 2021-22 campaign, and has an average annual value of $9.5 million. He will earn $9.5 million for each of the eight seasons."
9.5 million! There are no words but "wow." And why didn't I marry a professional hockey player? (love you, Mark).
So are we Geno. So are we.
And then there's the contact extension of coach Bylsma. I'm happy about it. I think he's done a better than fine job with his team and deserves to be there.
In Pens news, this was just posted on NHL's site:
"The Pittsburgh Penguins have agreed to terms with forward Evgeni Malkin on an eight-year $76 million contract extension, it was announced today by executive vice president and general manager Ray Shero.
The deal begins with the 2014-15 season and runs through the 2021-22 campaign, and has an average annual value of $9.5 million. He will earn $9.5 million for each of the eight seasons."
9.5 million! There are no words but "wow." And why didn't I marry a professional hockey player? (love you, Mark).
So are we Geno. So are we.
And then there's the contact extension of coach Bylsma. I'm happy about it. I think he's done a better than fine job with his team and deserves to be there.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
And Scene.
A sweep. A shut out. A defeat. A loss for words. It's too early to wish the Bruins well and mean it, but they earned a spot in that final. We didn't. It's not worth my trying to figure out why that was- that's for Ray, Mario, Dan and the rest of the Pens organization to dissect. But right now I'm sad and embarrassed that this was the end result. Sure, they made it to the Eastern Conference finals, there's certainly something to be said for that. But the team I watched during the regular season did not show up for this series.
I'll miss my team during this offseason and hope that next year is finally "our year." The beauty of hockey is that it'll be back before I know it, but what that team's roster (and even coaching staff) will look like is unclear. See you in October, boys.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Is this really happening?!
I prayed for a miracle, but even Jesus had to eventually go to sleep.
Two cities (and their corresponding fans) woke up this morning exhausted. After two gut (and heart) wrenching OTs, one city is elated, while the other is cranky. I'm cranky.
I asked for at least a good show, and a good show we got. Even if it meant the game carrying over to the next day, and even though it ultimately meant a loss. We fought hard and looked much better than the two prior games. We outshot, won the majority of the regulation face offs, but we still didn't have the same rhythm withnessed during the regular season. And this guy is playing like he's not from this planet.
Pittsburgh Penguins for Life posted this picture of Mario this morning.
I'd like to call it, "Mario is not impressed." Neither is McKayla.
My guess is that if he could, Mario would suit up and try to get his guys back in this series. Hell, he'd be playing againt Jagr. What a crazy, amazing spectacle that would be.
I was very much hoping that Sid would score in the second OT when his helmet popped off. I was also praying that he wouldn't get slammed into the boards. Although...perhaps that would have knocked some sense into him. He's looked different in this series, and when I say different, I mean bad. Not our captain. Surely not the best player in the NHL. Is it too late to blame the SI curse?
I'm not admitting defeat just yet, but it's not looking good for the Pens. I'm disappointed that a team with this much talent can't finish the job. I'm also guessing that this is our last season with Pascal Dupuis. The best line in hockey may be dismantled without achieving the ultimate win.
I love football, but I was thinking about the NFL season and playoff process compared to the grueling nature of hockey and it just doesn't compare. I'm mentally spent, and we didn't even have a full season. Multiple nights a week glued to my tv, fully commited to my team, living each win and loss like it were my own. When it's over, it's like a relationship ending. I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that breakup...
Two cities (and their corresponding fans) woke up this morning exhausted. After two gut (and heart) wrenching OTs, one city is elated, while the other is cranky. I'm cranky.
I asked for at least a good show, and a good show we got. Even if it meant the game carrying over to the next day, and even though it ultimately meant a loss. We fought hard and looked much better than the two prior games. We outshot, won the majority of the regulation face offs, but we still didn't have the same rhythm withnessed during the regular season. And this guy is playing like he's not from this planet.
Pittsburgh Penguins for Life posted this picture of Mario this morning.
I'd like to call it, "Mario is not impressed." Neither is McKayla.
My guess is that if he could, Mario would suit up and try to get his guys back in this series. Hell, he'd be playing againt Jagr. What a crazy, amazing spectacle that would be.
I was very much hoping that Sid would score in the second OT when his helmet popped off. I was also praying that he wouldn't get slammed into the boards. Although...perhaps that would have knocked some sense into him. He's looked different in this series, and when I say different, I mean bad. Not our captain. Surely not the best player in the NHL. Is it too late to blame the SI curse?
I'm not admitting defeat just yet, but it's not looking good for the Pens. I'm disappointed that a team with this much talent can't finish the job. I'm also guessing that this is our last season with Pascal Dupuis. The best line in hockey may be dismantled without achieving the ultimate win.
I love football, but I was thinking about the NFL season and playoff process compared to the grueling nature of hockey and it just doesn't compare. I'm mentally spent, and we didn't even have a full season. Multiple nights a week glued to my tv, fully commited to my team, living each win and loss like it were my own. When it's over, it's like a relationship ending. I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that breakup...
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Frustrated, Incorporated.
Boston kicked our asses last night. There's no other way to explain it. We're an excellent hockey team who at times last night (and two nights prior) looked like a bunch of frustrated high schoolers. You know when I'm ready to turn on the Bachelorette that I've reached my melting point. I was one step away from this:
6-1! In the firt two games, the Bruins have outscored us 9-1! We're making them look brilliant. And maybe they are. And yes, the 0-2 defecit is bad. Not insurmountable, but bad. But we ARE a capable hockey team. We've won on the road. Everyone expected this series to be tight and possibly go to a game 7. So...Let's give them a god damn show!
Game three, in Boston, tomorrow night.
6-1! In the firt two games, the Bruins have outscored us 9-1! We're making them look brilliant. And maybe they are. And yes, the 0-2 defecit is bad. Not insurmountable, but bad. But we ARE a capable hockey team. We've won on the road. Everyone expected this series to be tight and possibly go to a game 7. So...Let's give them a god damn show!
Game three, in Boston, tomorrow night.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Puck just wouldn't. Go. In.
I watched Saturday's game in my usual spot. This time, however, my husband decided to do some decorating. You've heard of Pillow Pets? Well, these are "Pillow Pens" (pitbull sold separately).
It was a frustrating loss, and there's certainly some changes that need to happen as we go into game 2 tonight, but I can't say we played awful. The score could have definitely been 3-3 and going into OT, but as many opportunities as the Pens had, the Bruins defense, specifically Rask, was on fire. Shots were clanging left and right from the goal posts, but not one went in. Boston also did an incredible job of killing our powerplays.
I don't have a ton to say about the Matt Cooke hit. I read this morning that the NHL isn't going to suspend him. You may or may not think that's the right move, but considering the Bruins coach was OK with it, we all should be too. I agree the hit wasn't his best move, and the penalties assigned to him were warranted. However, I do think the refs need to be a bit more consistent. A bad hit is a bad hit, regardless of the name on the jersey. What warrants a penalty shot (I'm thinking of the Detroit game) in one game should warrant it in the next. Cooke got 15. Marchand got 2.
Let's also remember that this is just. a. game. I refuse to even repost what a disgruntled Pens fan tweeded. He's already heard an earful and might want to hire protection. While I take my love for hockey to an extreme obsession at times, there are some words you just can't take back. Think before you type (rant). Pens fans are better than that.
Finally, I will not be watching the remainder of the series with anyone other than my husband. I always thought my father-in-law was crazy for not wanting to watch Steelers games with the rest of the family. He thought it was a jinx. Well, after losing the two games I watched with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, I maintain the same superstition. I think their Flyers blood has put some sort of voo-doo curse that even a bunch of Pillow Pens can't fight off.
It was a frustrating loss, and there's certainly some changes that need to happen as we go into game 2 tonight, but I can't say we played awful. The score could have definitely been 3-3 and going into OT, but as many opportunities as the Pens had, the Bruins defense, specifically Rask, was on fire. Shots were clanging left and right from the goal posts, but not one went in. Boston also did an incredible job of killing our powerplays.
I don't have a ton to say about the Matt Cooke hit. I read this morning that the NHL isn't going to suspend him. You may or may not think that's the right move, but considering the Bruins coach was OK with it, we all should be too. I agree the hit wasn't his best move, and the penalties assigned to him were warranted. However, I do think the refs need to be a bit more consistent. A bad hit is a bad hit, regardless of the name on the jersey. What warrants a penalty shot (I'm thinking of the Detroit game) in one game should warrant it in the next. Cooke got 15. Marchand got 2.
Let's also remember that this is just. a. game. I refuse to even repost what a disgruntled Pens fan tweeded. He's already heard an earful and might want to hire protection. While I take my love for hockey to an extreme obsession at times, there are some words you just can't take back. Think before you type (rant). Pens fans are better than that.
Finally, I will not be watching the remainder of the series with anyone other than my husband. I always thought my father-in-law was crazy for not wanting to watch Steelers games with the rest of the family. He thought it was a jinx. Well, after losing the two games I watched with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, I maintain the same superstition. I think their Flyers blood has put some sort of voo-doo curse that even a bunch of Pillow Pens can't fight off.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Ruin the Bruin
When we were in Pittsburgh back in May and played the Bruins, we happened to see this sign outside a bar: Ruin the Bruin.
For most of that game, Boston dominated the Pens, and I still don't quite know how we pulled off a comeback win, but we did. And a few months later, the Eastern Conference finals are set. Boston and Pens. A team that we've somehow sweeped this season yet scares me more than any other team. Somehow I knew it would come down to this and I'm excited, nervous (and nauseous) in anticipation. I happen to like/respect the Bruins. Hell, we call our dog Lucic (as well as a ton of other nicknames), and I might root for Boston on another occasion. But for the next week or two, I'll stick with this bar sign motto: Ruin the Bruin. LET'S GO PENS!
Actual conversation tonight: my mother-in-law bought a Boston Cream pie. I was reluctant to eat it. Yes, superstitious indeed. However, I was told we could "devour, smash and cream it like we will the Bruins." I can do that (cause c'mon, I would have found an excuse to eat it, it's friggin delicious).
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Conference Finals, here we come.
The Pens ended the series against Ottawa last night with a 6-2 win at home. More appropriately stated, James Neal ended the series against Ottawa. Neal scored his first career playoff hat trick last night and put away 5 of the combined 13 goals during the last two games. Calling his performance "impressive" doesn't quite do it justice.
MacLean's response on the series: "I hope they don't charge us for the clinic."
Pens: leave Vokoun in net. There's no reason to pull the guy who has given you no doubt to believe he can do, and deserves, this job.
Always play like you're behind. Don't get lazy, sloppy, or complacent. There's never enough of a lead, especially against the Bruins, to feel comfortable. It'll always come down to the wire. And if you ARE behind, remember the comeback win against the Bruins in March. You have a laundry list of players who can do it.
And finally, please WIN.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I love when we a lot.
When the Sens scored their SECOND short-handed goal of the series early in last night's game 4, I was worried. Would Ottawa keep the Pens on their heels? Would we be be back and forth like ping pong, matching goal for goal and giving me a heart attack?
Well, perseverance paid off. The Pens scored SIX unanswered goals and ended game 3 with a final score of 7-3.
Geno predicted that James Neal would have a good night, and did he ever. A pair of goals.
As did Iggy. Speaking of #12, I'll take a moment to poke fun at my father-in-law. A Pittsburgh native, he is the reason we support the black and gold. He's also an avid card collector, so one day he lets me know that he's found Iginla's rookie card (for my nephew, also a Pens fan). Well, all I needed to hear was him talking about "Jeremy" and we never let that go. Jerome! I shouted. When Iggy scored last night, we called him and shouted, JEREMY!! and hung up. Not as funny when I tell it here, sorry readers, but I promise it was cute/endearing.
So a win tomorrow can end the series. There's a pretty good chance that Boston will close theirs tonight. We're currently watching the Bruins/Ranges and wondering why it's so quiet at MSG- the crowd and the players. While I normally wouldn't dare say this, I'll say it now. C'mon Rangers! Put up a fight. This is an elimination game! I think all Pens fans would like to see the Rangers make this a close series. If we're going to play the Bruins (yes, perhaps it's too early to make these assumptions and I hope I don't eat these words), we want them sorta worn out, ok?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
1 down, 3 to go.
I wonder if Toronto was watching the Pens game last night and saying "So that's how you keep a 4-1 lead!"
My husband and I spent way too much time last night disussing (analyzing?) Paul MacLean's mustache. Specifically, we were trying to figure out what kind it was.
Walrus? Chevron? You decide.
It was a great first win and I was happy we came out and played efficent, aggressive hockey. We were able to kill the powerplays, control the puck, and even score a short-handed goal.
My husband and I spent way too much time last night disussing (analyzing?) Paul MacLean's mustache. Specifically, we were trying to figure out what kind it was.
Walrus? Chevron? You decide.
Is it Friday yet?
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Never a dull moment.
I thought it would be much calmer watching a non-Pens hockey game last night, but game 7 of the Bruins/Leafs series was pure insanity. My husband and I watched as Toronto scored, scored, and scored some more. I pictured the frustration, shock and anxiety on my Boston friends' faces, and even when the Bruins decreased their defecit to two, I didn't think there was enough time. Clearly neither did many Bruins fans that started to exit TD Garden. Toronto fans were elated.
But never rule out the Bruins.
The momentum shifted. Perhaps the Leafs eased up because of their decent lead and little time left in the period. The Bruins didn't throw in the towel, while Marchand encouraged the fans to throw theirs, allowing for a bit of a breather for the team, as well as an annoucement asking fans to STOP throwing the towels (with threats of arrest!). The game went into overtime and despite great effort from the Leafs, Boston now moves on.
And then there's the elimination of Alex Ovechkin. I actually think he's an extremely talented (yet cocky) player, so of course I don't like him and want his playoff run over. This picture sums it up best.
Congrats to Sid for the Bill Masterton Memorial finalist nod. With three nominations total, I'm pretty certain he'll walk away with something. I know he'd (and I'd) rather that something be the Cup.
But never rule out the Bruins.
The momentum shifted. Perhaps the Leafs eased up because of their decent lead and little time left in the period. The Bruins didn't throw in the towel, while Marchand encouraged the fans to throw theirs, allowing for a bit of a breather for the team, as well as an annoucement asking fans to STOP throwing the towels (with threats of arrest!). The game went into overtime and despite great effort from the Leafs, Boston now moves on.
And then there's the elimination of Alex Ovechkin. I actually think he's an extremely talented (yet cocky) player, so of course I don't like him and want his playoff run over. This picture sums it up best.
Congrats to Sid for the Bill Masterton Memorial finalist nod. With three nominations total, I'm pretty certain he'll walk away with something. I know he'd (and I'd) rather that something be the Cup.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Moving On.
I dropped many an "F bomb" during this series. There were grunts, shrieks, and silent prayers. Certainly a much tougher series that anyone had predicted or hoped for, but in the end, the Penguins defeated the Isles in overtime, scored by an unlikely defenseman, and move on to round two of the playoffs.
The Isles series is history. All attention moves to Ottawa. It's a opportunity for a fresh start. It's time to use home ice advantage, well, to our advantage. It's time to shut down a team full of momentum and revenge. I hope to see Vokoun in goal and TK and Vitale in the lineup.
And...was there any doubt that Ray Shero would wind up a finalist for GM of the year? I'm reminder of this tweet during the crazy trades.
Looks like the Pens will look to prove that all of Shero's trades were worth it tomorrow night. Time to step it up.
The Isles series is history. All attention moves to Ottawa. It's a opportunity for a fresh start. It's time to use home ice advantage, well, to our advantage. It's time to shut down a team full of momentum and revenge. I hope to see Vokoun in goal and TK and Vitale in the lineup.
And...was there any doubt that Ray Shero would wind up a finalist for GM of the year? I'm reminder of this tweet during the crazy trades.
Looks like the Pens will look to prove that all of Shero's trades were worth it tomorrow night. Time to step it up.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Well that's more like it!
Still think my captain is overrated? Think he's undeserving of the Hart and Lindsay finalist nominations? Fine. But you can't ignore nor discredit Crobsy's goal from last night's shut out against the Islanders:
Speaking of great goals, welcome back TK! Kennedy knew he had something to prove last night. And he proved it. So did Vokoun. Twitter feeds erupted yesterday with #voukonamatata (started by Pittsburgh radio station 96.1)
Islanders fans will need a new chant tomorrow night, because there's no rattling Tomas Vokoun!
I can't not mention the elimination of the Canadiens. Bu-bye Subban! I will not miss hearing your name over and over (and over). The only thing I've ever liked about the Senators is their handiwork in eliminating you!
Speaking of great goals, welcome back TK! Kennedy knew he had something to prove last night. And he proved it. So did Vokoun. Twitter feeds erupted yesterday with #voukonamatata (started by Pittsburgh radio station 96.1)
Islanders fans will need a new chant tomorrow night, because there's no rattling Tomas Vokoun!
I can't not mention the elimination of the Canadiens. Bu-bye Subban! I will not miss hearing your name over and over (and over). The only thing I've ever liked about the Senators is their handiwork in eliminating you!
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